(Benchtop Analyzer for Oil in Water or Soil)
Accurate, User-Friendly, Lowest Price Portable Analyzer
Portable, battery operated, and easy to use, OWB was designed for both field and lab operation. Measures crude oils, refined oil products, light oil, condensate, BTEX, and more.
0.1 ppm to 10%+ oil-in-water concentration range. Measure as low as 5 ppb BTEX in water or 0.1 mg/Kg BTEX in soil..
User friendly GUI walks through calibration and measurement modes with pop up instructions
O&G Water Sample Testing
Produced water
Separation trains
Hydrofracturing injection
Offshore overboard discharge
Refinery waste water
Warning of Upset to Prevent Damage
Testing oil-in-water concentrations regularly during water treatment stages can help to prevent damage to injection pumps, reinjection wells, and other equipment.
Other Applications
Metal casting or forging cooling water
Industrial process water
Food oil quality control
Airport runoff water
Gas Station waste/runoff water monitoring for hydrocarbon or BTEX
Monitoring/assessment of potential soil contamination by hydrocarbon, PAH or BTEX
Accurate and User Friendly
According to our customers, OWB is an accurate analyzer of oil in water samples and the most user-friendly
portable analyzer. OWB achieves the accuracy and user friendliness with several distinct features:
Fast to obtain results and simple to operate. Typically the oil-in-water concentration can be obtained within 5 minutes from sampling. The large range enables measurement of high concentrations without the need to dilute, leading to savings of time, glassware and solvent, which are especially important for remote sites and offshore platforms.
Detailed instructions and display of results. OWB uses a tablet to display the graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI provides step-by-step instructions to aid the user during calibration and measurement. Alerts are also provided to help avoiding common pitfalls. Both summary results and details results are clearly displayed on the GUI, helping the user to gain insight into the measurements and spot potential issues.
Stable. The electronics and optics of OWB are stable over a large range of temperature, leading to stability of results when temperature changes. In addition, OWB automatically detects when temperature changes may lead to too large errors and promote the user to take mitigating actions before taking measurements, thus prevents errors due to excessive change in temperature.
Robust. The unique design of OWB enables it to provide valid measurements under large variations of operation details, such as the amount of solvent analyzed.
Highly portable. OWB is housed in a IP67, shatter resistant carrying box that can be transported by itself or easily fit into other cases, such as a carry-on suitcase for air travel. OWB has sturdy internal design and can withstand the shock and vibrations during transportation and during operations with frequent moves over unpaved roads.
We strive to provide prompt excellent technical support when the customer encounters a need. Technical Support is provided by our application engineers who are highly skilled in the products. If you would like to discuss a topic in depth, our subject matter experts and product developers are just a phone call or email away.
Measurement Principles
Fluorescence for low concentrations
Light Transmission for higher concentrations
Automatic selection of measurement principle
2 sensors in 1!
OWB measures the oil concentration in water sample in three steps:
The oil in the water sample is extracted by a suitable solvent, typically Hexane. Non-flammable solvent can also be used. The solvent is added to the water sample and the mixed well, and the mixture is set aside for a few minutes.
After a stable solvent layer has formed over water, a few millimeter of the solvent (now with extracted oil dissolved in it) is taken into a cuvette. The cuvette is inserted into the OWB's cuvette cell for analysis.
The OWB reports the oil concentration in solvent. The oil concentration in water (OIW) is calculated using the oil concentration in solvent and the ratio of the solvent volume to the water sample volume, which is typically 0.1 to 0.2.
OWB uses both UV fluorescence and light absorption to measure the oil concentration in solvent. The high sensitivity of fluorescence with the variation of oil concentration makes it ideal for measuring oil concentrations accurately, including at low concentrations. Light absorption provides additional information about the oil, helping to overcome the limitations of measurements with only UV fluorescence, that is, as the oil concentration increases the magnitude of the fluorescence first becomes nonlinear with the oil concentration, then decreases with oil concentration.
OWB automatically combines the fluorescence and light absorption raw data, and applies our advanced processing algorithm to achieve measurements under very large range of oil concentrations. The OWB has successfully measured oil in water concentrations from below 1 ppm to a few percent without the need for dilution of the solvent-oil mixture.